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The development of excellent human resources is a homework for any nation that wants to progress, especially in the industry and economy. However, the development of human resources’ quality is not an easy task and therefore, all parties must get involved actively.
As a country with potentially high economic growth in the long term, Indonesia is equipped with strong capitals. One of the capitals is young people who support the economy or a demographic dividend that the country will enjoy. Realizing this situation, the government actively responds by engaging many parties to enhance the quality of human resources, especially the youth. The efforts include, among other things, formulating and intensifying vocational education.
The vocational education program has been part of the priorities set by President Joko Widodo since his first term in office. Vocational education is a strategy to enhance both quality and productivity in his nine-point priority agenda (Nawacita).
The vocational education program serves as one of the solutions to address the complicated issues in human resource development, namely providing productive labor in line with present and future industrial needs. Through the vocational program, students are equipped with quality technical skills and they also nurture adaptive skills useful to adjust with every change. By intensifying the vocational program in formal schools as well as job training centers (BLK), the graduates are relatively ready to enter the labor market.
Based on such a strategic consideration, PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN) actively participates in making the vocational education in Indonesia a success. Apart from its interest in having qualified and ready-to-work manpower in the automotive manufacturing, it hopes the vocational education program can play a role in improving Indonesian human resources.
The vocation/internship program at TMMIN has run since 2017. Since it was launched, 2,175 participants have taken part in the internship program at TMMIN to pursue education and training to enhance soft and hard skills. All interns take tests to obtain certification from Professional Certification Institution (LSP) which meets the standard of the National Professional Certification Body (BNSP). As many as 80% of the total apprenticeship participants have been absorbed as TMMIN employees, while the rest has been absorbed in TMMIN value chain companies.
Vocational participants take part in a series of programs with total duration of approximately 6 months. Composition of program is 85% on the job training in the production line or skill practice and 15% off the job training or in-class training while participating in Toyota Learning Center (TLC), TMMIN job training facility. Learning materials include industrial culture, work safety principles, 5R (cleanliness, neatness, conciseness, care and diligence), work standards and “Fundamental Skills” which include basics of automotive manufacturing expertise. Other than that, there are also some job practices trainings starting from direct work experience in production line, which includes competencies in Stamping, Welding, Painting, Assembly and Engine, Inspection, Maintenance, Logistics, and Casting.
This Job Training Unit is supported by one Master Trainer with ASEAN standard qualifications, 3 German standard certified trainers, 6 nationally certified mentors, and including 147 internal mentors. Toyota Learning Center is also supported by 51 Toyota global certified trainers.
As an effort to increase the recognition of competence in other automotive manufacturing industries, Toyota Learning Center has a Professional Certification Institute (LSP TMMIN) facility licensed from BNSP, which has 87 BNSP certified assessors who support the implementation of TMMIN vocational program. LSP TMMIN also has Competency Test Places (TUK/Tempat Uji Kompetensi) which are located both in TLC and in the production line, namely training and education centers for employees and vocational program participants, as well as at work locations as part of field practice. Since the beginning of the vocational program implementation until October 2021, there are more than 2,400 employees and vocational participants at TMMIN have achieved certification in 103 automotive manufacturing competency schemes.
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