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14 May 2020
Press Release

Fighting Against COVID-19 Toyota Provide Assistance for Indonesian Society

Jakarta (14/05) – Actively involved in fighting against COVID-19, Toyota Indonesia which consist of PT. Toyota-Astra Motor (TAM) and PT. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN), dealers, supply chains, and its affiliates are continuously striving to give the best contribution as well as to support COVID-19 handling mobility in order to help those who are in need, by providing many kind of assistance to Indonesia Red Cross and Indonesia Ministry of Health. Certain kinds of assistance that Toyota Indonesia provides are household necessity, equipment for medical personnel, and also sharing Toyota Production System (TPS) knowledge.

“Toyota Indonesia conveys our sympathy for those who are affected by COVID-19 pandemic as well as our most sincere appreciation for both medical personnel and government who are currently in the front line, fighting against this pandemic. We will surely overome this COVID-19 pandemic by complying with current government protocol together and being supported by sufficient facilities. Toyota Indonesia is committed to always being side by side with all related parties in facing this pandemic. Because we understand that, what it takes to overcome this pandemic requires a lot of efforts and therefore Toyota Indonesia will continuously be striving to give sincere support through #ToyotaAdaUntukAnda. We hope that support from Toyota Indonesia can help facilities needed to speed-up COVID-19 handling,” said President Director of PT Toyota-Astra Motor, Susumu Matsuda.

Today, to support the mobility of medical personnel in handling COVID-19 pandemic, Toyota Indonesia provided donation to Indonesia Red Cross (PMI) and Indonesia Ministry of Health to be distributed to Hospitals, through 5 units of Kijang Innova for Ambulance. The Kijang Innova Ambulance is the result of a conversion from one of Toyota's local supply chains. Then, Toyota Indonesia collaborates with PT. Serasi Autoraya (SERA) to provide 68 units of Avanza to support medical workers’ mobility in 15 Big City in Indonesia.

In addition, Toyota Indonesia and supply chains under Toyota Manufacturers Club, Toyota Equipment and Facility Club, and Toyota Logistic Community also provided a total of 105,000 Personal Protective Equipments (PPE) to PMI and Ministry of Health, that consist of Gloves, Protection Clothes, Disposable Medical Masks, Non-Medical Masks, Medical Goggles, Medical Caps, Shoe Covers, Face Shields, N-95 Masks and also Vitamin. 

"As part of Indonesian, Toyota Indonesia is called to participate in efforts to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to direct assistance to the community and medical staff, we also share our knowledge and experience in manufacturing, supply chain, stock management and logistics handling to various parties in need. We hope that this support can provide added value and efficiency in various sectors, especially for those who are dealing directly with the COVID-19 pandemic, " said President Director of PT. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia, Warih Andang Tjahjono.

Previously, Toyota Indonesia had also made contributions to support this COVID-19 pandemic handling as the following:

  1. Direct assistance by providing household necessity and sanitation equipment that can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 pandemic that consist of hand sanitizers, cloth masks, hand soaps, and many kind of other necessities to the public near Toyota office and round Toyota dealers location accross Indonesia.
  2. 1.000 Personal Protective Equipments (PPE) to several hospitals and public health center in Indonesia through SATRIA program.
  3. Provide 5 units of Dyna together with Astra International to Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) to be utilized as vehicles that spray disinfectant to public place.
  4. Take part in providing support to the Small and Medium Industries (SMIs) and local supply chain through facilitating stakeholders with local supply chain with engineering capability and transfer of knowledge and experience in efficient manufacturing activities in the hope of helping accelerate the development of medical devices and PPEs in the country.
  5. Introducing the Toyota Production System to help improve the logistics system with the Indonesia Red Cross to be more efficient. 

Some of Toyota's local supply chains, by collaborating with stakeholders, are currently involved in developing various PPEs such as medical goggles, flocked swabs, hazmat suits, bag valve masks, and face shields. It is hoped that the involvement of local Toyota suppliers will accelerate and increase domestic PPE production so that it can support efforts against COVID-19 in Indonesia.

Providing assistance towards COVID-19 pandemic has been part of Global Toyota’s efforts in supporting the fight against the virus. As a company that always puts priority on good citizenship spirit, Toyota is continuously striving to actively participate and give the best contribution for every country, including Indonesia.

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