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31 October 2023
Press Release

Strong Supply Chain Supports National Automotive Industry Competitiveness - Toyota Indonesia's Participation in the Indonesia-Japan The 2nd Auto Parts Business Forum

Growing and evolving alongside the Indonesian community for over 50 years as a high-tech, eco-friendly transportation solution provider, with a strong focus on human resource development and supply chain enhancement, today (Friday, October 27), PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN) is participating in the "Indonesia Japan The 2nd Auto Parts Business Forum" held in Nagoya, Japan. This activity is part of the celebration of the 65-year-old diplomatic relationship between Indonesia and Japan.

A Glimpse of the Indonesia-Japan The 2nd Auto Parts Business Forum

The activities of the 2nd Auto Parts Business Forum are a continuation of the first event held in the previous year. The Indonesia-Japan Auto Parts Business Forum is an event organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia and supported by the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Indonesia in Nagoya, Japan. Its purpose is to bridge small and medium-sized automotive component companies in Indonesia with large production companies in Japan. Indonesian supply chain companies are expected to become integral parts of the global automotive supply chain.

Strengthening the local supply chain is indeed a cornerstone of a strong national automotive industry's competitiveness. Currently, the automotive supply chain plays a pivotal role in the industry, with over 300,000 human resources employed within it. Through this activity, TMMIN will bring 29 tier 1-2 supply chain companies, with TMMIN overseeing more than 205 tier 1-2 suppliers, paving the way and facilitating cooperation that will be opened through this business forum activity, making international market access more accessible.

65 Years of Bilateral Relations and Commitments for the Future

The bilateral relationship between Indonesia and Japan, spanning more than six decades, has seen Japan not only provide significant investments but also become one of the largest investors over the last decade. According to data from the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), Japanese automotive investments reached $525.48 million during the first half of 2023, out of a total automotive investment of $744.43 million. Despite various economic challenges in Indonesia, from the 1974 oil crisis to the 1998 monetary crisis, and the current global economic uncertainty, the development of the automotive industry remains a committed endeavor. Japan has been investing in Indonesia's automotive industry from the beginning. Indonesia has achieved a positive trade balance as an exporter of high-tech automotive products valued at over $7 billion. Furthermore, these investments have also extended to the development of human resource capabilities, a critical element for national economic growth.

"Starting the national automotive industry in the 1970s until today, Toyota Indonesia's investment in the automotive industry encompasses the development of human resources and hundreds of supply chain companies. Beginning with assembly investment and then expanding to body and engine production, Indonesia has become one of the global production hubs. TMMIN is participating in the Indonesia Japan The 2nd Auto Parts Business Forum to bridge the supply chain of the Indonesian automotive industry and open up opportunities for international cooperation. This effort serves as a benchmark for collaboration with the Japanese automotive supply chain," said Bob Azam, Vice President Director of PT TMMIN in Nagoya, Japan.

Amidst global economic challenges, Toyota Indonesia strives to maintain Indonesia's role as a production and export center for vehicles to regions including Asia & the Middle East, Africa, South America, and Australia. Through the strengthening of the local supply chain, Toyota Indonesia believes that in preparation for electrification and the transition from ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) vehicles to electrified ones, there is a need to escalate the supply chain's capabilities.

"This year, collaboration and partnerships have been enhanced, involving a broader range of stakeholders, including auto makers, part makers, and the associations that support them. With hope, our participation can yield more tangible results in unlocking the potential for international investment in the automotive industry in the future," concluded Bob Azam.

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