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13 October 2023
Press Release

The Urgency of Electrification Industry Specialists - Toyota Indonesia Academy Shapes Digitalization Experts

In response to the challenges posed by the Link and Super Match program initiated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology to address the evolving landscape of business and industry in the era of electrification, on Friday, October 13, 2023, the Toyota Indonesia Academy (TIA) has produced a cadre of 'experts' prepared to make substantial contributions to the automotive industry. A total of 36 TIA experts, comprising 30 experts skilled in production, including vehicle assembly, and 6 experts specializing in maintenance, specifically machine automation, have successfully completed their education as specialists in response to the needs of the automotive industry, especially in the era of electrification. Since its establishment in 2016, TIA has contributed to the development of 255 skilled human resources who have effectively applied their educational knowledge, both within TMMIN and throughout the supply chain.

TIA consistently conducts evaluations and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) in collaboration with industry experts to stay in tune with the ever-evolving needs of the industry, particularly in the realm of future process and product technologies. Consequently, TIA's educational curriculum undergoes continuous transformation to address the challenges posed by the rapidly advancing technology landscape within the industry. Furthermore, during the second year of their education, all experts undergo a one-year internship program within the industry to enhance their adaptability to the new technologies in the electrification sector.

"The comprehensive acceleration of the electrification industry, both in production processes and the cultivation of skilled human resources, is a necessity. It involves not only implementing green manufacturing systems in the production line but also TMMIN initiates the concept of a green curriculum, which is an educational curriculum that incorporates green or environmentally friendly technologies in its teaching. This curriculum also addresses environmental issues as our collective responsibility in supporting the Indonesian government's efforts to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060," said Nandi Julyanto, President Director of PT TMMIN.

By 2025, TIA has outlined several goals, including improving the quality through the introduction of advanced manufacturing technologies, implementing green technology curriculum within the educational process, and contributing to the development of an exemplary workforce capable of becoming team leaders in their respective fields.

"The transformation of Indonesia's automotive electrification industry is not merely marked by the introduction of environmentally friendly electrified vehicles but also by the presence of 'expert' human resources with a strong grasp of digitalization. Indonesia boasts the advantage of a substantial young generation, poised to take the lead in tackling global challenges and competition. TIA graduates are molded through education and practical training, focusing on the national industry's needs, becoming experts in digitalization fields such as big data analytics & IoT, AI & robotics, robotic process automation, and IoT & mechanical engineering. The hope is that TIA graduates will accelerate their path to becoming leaders in the production line," said Bob Azam, Vice President Director of PT TMMIN.

TIA's strategy for producing more specialized human resources involves expanding educational programs that facilitate the participation of TMMIN employees, suppliers, and supply chain participants in short-course training and credential systems. This approach aims to accelerate the fulfillment of specific skills needed by industry workers through courses in a defined period and On-the-Job Development (OJD). Meanwhile, the credential system aims to recognize the skills and experiences of industry workers and incorporate them into academic credit hours, thereby shortening the education period.

Graduates of TIA have also achieved notable successes on both the national and global stages, including winning the Robotic Governor of Central Java Cup - Polines Robotic Contest 2022 and bringing honor to the nation by securing a silver medal in the field of IoT (Internet of Things) at the World ASEAN Skill Contest 2023 held in Singapore. In addition to these achievements, some TIA graduates have already taken positions as Team Leaders in the Press Maintenance - Press & Welding Production Division.

"The skills and knowledge I acquired during my education at TIA have proven highly valuable when transitioning to work at PT. TMMIN. The educational curriculum provided aligns perfectly with the competencies required in the workplace, enabling a smooth transition and acceleration in the production line. Furthermore, the teachings of attitudes and soft skills at TIA, such as communication and teamwork, have been instrumental in promoting collaboration and creating a supportive working environment, greatly assisting us in delivering more contributions and innovations in the increasingly digitized production process," stated Ahmad Tohani, a graduate of the inaugural TIA class who now serves as a Team Leader in the Press Maintenance - Press & Welding Production Division.

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