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21 December 2023
Press Release

Suspension of the Temporary Delivery of Certain Car Models: Toyota Indonesia Ensures the Quality and Safety of Products in Indonesia According to National Standards

Jakarta — PT Toyota-Astra Motor (TAM) and PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN) have announced an official statement regarding the recent developments in the news. Toyota Indonesia has temporarily suspended the delivery of certain Toyota models in Indonesia, particularly those developed in collaboration with Daihatsu.

This suspension follows the discovery of several procedures that do not meet the standards set by Daihatsu Motor Co. Ltd, as announced on April 28, 2023. An independent committee was formed to conduct a comprehensive examination of various procedures within the company, covering a total of 64 vehicle models currently being developed under the Daihatsu brand or for marketing as Toyota.

We would like to confirm that at present, customers using Toyota products, including those developed in collaboration with Daihatsu, need not worry or take any action and can continue to use their vehicles as usual. This assurance is based on the fact that all Toyota vehicles (including those developed with Daihatsu) sold in Indonesia have complied with applicable rules and homologation processes.

As part of the temporary delivery suspension, Toyota Indonesia has coordinated with the Indonesian Government to clarify the facts related to this case. After consultations regarding the next steps, it has been decided that the delivery process for vehicles, including models developed in collaboration with Daihatsu by Toyota Indonesia, has returned to normal since 22nd of December 2023 to meet the needs of customers in Indonesia. The Indonesian Government also hopes that affected exports can resume as soon as possible following confirmation from the relevant authorities in the destination countries.

Once again, Toyota Indonesia sincerely apologizes to all customers and stakeholders in Indonesia for any inconvenience and possible concerns caused by this activity.

Thank you for the trust our customers have placed in us.

toyota, daihatsu
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